Home > Software > Scientific > Other > Gnuplot

- Package ID
- gnuplot
- Version
- 5.2.8
- Downloads
- 11139
- Website
- http://gnuplot.sourceforge.net/
A portable, multi-platform, command-line driven graphing utility.
A famous scientific plotting package, features include 2D and 3D plotting, a huge number of output formats, interactive input or script-driven options, and a large set of scripted examples. It can be used interactively to plot functions and data points in both two- and three-dimensional plots in many different styles and many different output formats. Gnuplot can also be used as a scripting language to automate generation of plots. It is designed primarily for the visual display of scientific data. gnuplot is copyrighted, but freely distributable; you don’t have to pay for it.
- Two-dimensional functions and data plots combining many different elements such as points, lines, error bars, filled shapes, labels, arrows, …
- Polar axes, log-scaled axes, general nonlinear axis mapping, parametric coordinates
- Data representations such as heat maps, beeswarm plots, violin plots, histograms, …
- Three-dimensional plots of data points, lines, and surfaces in many different styles (contour plot, mesh)
- Algebraic computation using integer, floating point, or complex arithmetic
- Data-driven model fitting using Marquardt-Levenberg minimization
- Support for a large number of operating systems, graphics file formats and output devices
- Extensive on-line help
- TEX-like text formatting for labels, titles, axes, data points
- Interactive command line editing and history
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