Home > Software > Scientific > Gis > QGIS

- Package ID
- Version
- 3.12.2
- Downloads
- 172536
- Website
- https://www.qgis.org/
A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System
QGIS is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). It runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Windows and Android and supports numerous vector, raster, and database formats and functionalities.
General Features
- View data – Spatially-enabled tables and views, vector formats, raster and imagery formats, GRASS raster and vector data and online spatial data.
- Explore data and compose maps – Interactively explore spatial data with a friendly GUI with many helpful tools.
- Create, edit, manage and export data – Vector and raster layers in several formats.
- Analyze data – vector analysis, sampling, geoprocessing, geometry and database management tools including the complete GRASS functionality of more than 400 modules.
- Publish maps on the Internet – QGIS can be used as a WMS, WMTS, WMS-C or WFS and WFS-T client, and as a WMS, WCS or WFS server.
- Extensible functionality through plugins
- Python console
This package will install the “Latest Release” version of QGIS with the richest feature set. If you want to install a version with more more stability but less features, try the package for QGIS-Long Term Release. These packages can now co-exist!
Keeping old releases
Upon installation/upgrade, this package will attempt to remove the newest installed version of QGIS. (It will not remove LTR versions installed via the Chocolatey package.) If you would like to skip the uninstallation of older versions, use the a “Keep” package parameter as follows:
choco install qgis -params '"/Keep"'
This parameter will be ignored if the newest version has the same major.minor value as this package because the QGIS installer won’t allow two different builds of the same major.minor release. (I.E. Version 3.0.1 has the same “3.0” as version 3.0.3.) This parameter would allow you to keep a v2.18.x install of QGIS when upgrading to a v3.0.x package.
Uninstallation should remove only the installed, Chocolatey package version.