Home > Software > Office > Viewers > Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

- Package ID
- adobereader
- Version
- 2020.006.20042
- Downloads
- 311513796
- Website
- https://www.adobe.com/products/reader.html
View, print, sign, and annotate PDF files
This package installs/upgrades the Multi-lingual (“MUI”) release. In some cases, this package will be able to install over the top of a language-specific installation. Otherwise, this package will exit and require a manual uninstall of the language specific installation.
If the package fails on Windows 8.1 or earlier, this might be due to the installation of kb2919355 (which is a dependency of this package) if your system is not up-to-date. This KB requires a reboot of the system before the adobereader package installs successfully.
Package installation defaults
By default, installation of this package:
- Will NOT install a desktop icon.
- Will NOT install the Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager (“ARM”) service.
- Will configure Reader to only check for updates manually with confirmation for install.
However, upgrades to Adobe Reader via this package:
- Will NOT remove an existing desktop icon or add one when there isn’t.
- Will NOT install the AdobeARM service.
- Will NOT remove the AdobeARM service (though it will disable it unless enabled by parameters).
- Will NOT re-enable updates (if disabled via package parameter)
Package Parameters
- The Desktop icon will be installed to the common desktop. (Install only.)/NoUpdates
- No updates via internal mechanisms (including manual checks). Only downloading from Adobe and running installers or updates (or updating this package) will advance the version of Reader. Once set, only uninstalling this package will remove this update block./EnableUpdateService
- Install the AdobeARM service. (Does not override/NoUpdates
- Sets the update mode (below). (Does not override/NoUpdates
Update Modes
- Manually check for and install updates. (Default and reset on every update)1
- Same as0
- Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them. (Appears to be no different than0
- Install updates automatically (via task scheduler or ARM service if enabled).4
- Notify me, but let me choose when to download and install updates.
These parameters can be passed to the installer with the use of -params
For example :
choco install adobereader -params '"/DesktopIcon /UpdateMode:4"'