Home > Software > Network > Rss > QuiteRSS
- Package ID
- quiterss
- Version
- 0.19.4
- Downloads
- 11887
- Website
- https://quiterss.org/
QuiteRSS is a free news feeds reader written on Qt/C++.
QuiteRSS is a open-source cross-platform RSS/Atom news feeds reader.
- Embedded browser (Webkit core)
- Feed and news filters: new, unread, starred, deleted (for news until restart application)
- User filters
- Proxy configuration: automatic or manual
- Feed import wizard: Search feed URL if site URL was entered
- Adblock
- Click to Flash
- Mark news starred
- Automatic update feeds: on startup, by timer
- Automatic cleanup on close using criterias
- Enable/Disable images in news preview
- Ability to quickly hide feed tree (for comfortable viewing)
- Open feed or news in own tab
- Quick news filter and quick search in browser
- Sound notification on new news
- Popup notification on new news
- Show new or unread news counter on tray icon
- Minimize on system tray: on start, on close, on minimize
- Import/Export feeds (OPML-files)
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