Home > Software > Editors > Code Editors > CudaText
- Package ID
- cudatext
- Version
- Downloads
- 1067
- Website
- http://uvviewsoft.com/cudatext
Cross-platform code editor, with syntax highlight for 180+ languages. Has lite interface with tabs. Has JSON config files instead of options-dialog. Supports Python plugins
CudaText is a cross-platform text editor, written in Lazarus. It is fully open source, see Wiki info. It starts quite fast (0.5 sec with about 30 plugins on CPU Intel Core i3 3Hz). It is extensible by Python add-ons (plugins, linters, code tree parsers, external tools).
Package Specific
Package Parameters
The following package parameter can be set:
- Where to install the binaries to - defaults to “C:\CudaText”
To pass parameters, use --params "''"
(e.g. choco install packageID [other options] --params="'/ITEM:value /ITEM2:value2 /FLAG_BOOLEAN'"
To have choco remember parameters on upgrade, be sure to set choco feature enable -n=useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades
- Syntax highlight for many languages: C, C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, XML etc. 200+ syntax lexers exist.
- Code tree (tree structure of functions/classes/etc in source).
- Code folding.
- Multi-carets and multi-selections.
- Find/Replace with reg. ex.
- Configs in JSON format. Including lexer-specific configs.
- Tabbed UI.
- Split each tab.
- Split view for 2/3/4/6 files.
- Simple auto-completion (fixed list) for some lexers.
- Command palette (ST3 style).
- Minimap.
- Micromap.
- Show unprinted whitespace.
- Support for many encodings.
- Customizable hotkeys.
- Binary/Hex viewer for files of unlimited size.
Features for HTML/CSS coding:
- Smart auto-completion for HTML, CSS.
- HTML tags completion with Tab-key (Snippets plugin).
- HTML color codes (#rgb, #rrggbb) underline.
- Show pictures inside editor area (jpeg/png/gif/bmp/ico).
- Show tooltip when mouse moves over picture tag, entity, color value.