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Package ID


Free, full-featured and extensible tool for students, open-source and individual developers



Free, full-featured and extensible tool for students, open-source and individual developers.

To find out what’s new or to see the known issues, see the Visual Studio 2017 Release Notes.
System requirements

Customizations and Optional features

By default, the package installs only the bare minimum required (the Core Editor workload). The easiest way to add more development features is to use the workload packages listed in the Release Notes section.

All package parameters are passed to the Visual Studio installer, enabling full customization of the installation. The possible parameters are described here. The package passes --norestart --wait by default, and --quiet, unless --passive is specified in the package parameters.

After installing the package, more features can also be added by launching the Visual Studio Installer application from the Start Menu.

The language of the installed software can be controlled using the package parameter --locale language. The list of languages is presented here. By default, the operating system display language is used.

Full installation

This command will install Visual Studio with all available workloads and optional components, display progress during the installation and specify the English language regardless of operating system settings:

choco install visualstudio2017community --package-parameters "--allWorkloads --includeRecommended --includeOptional --passive --locale en-US"

More package parameter examples


A reboot may be required after (or even before) installing/uninstalling this package. If control over reboots is required, it is advisable to install the dependencies (esp. dotnet4.6.2 or later) first, perform a reboot if necessary, and then install this package.


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