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PowerShell cmdlet helpers for working with GitHub


PowerShell cmdlet helpers for working with the GitHub API.

  • New-GitHubOAuthToken - creates an OAuth token for use with GitHub
  • Get-GitHubOAuthTokens - Used to list all the authorizations you have provided to applications / tooling
  • Set-GitHubUserName - Adds the username to the current PowerShell session and sets a global User environment variable
  • Set-GitHubOrganization - Adds the organization to the current PowerShell session and sets a global User environment variable
  • Get-GitHubRepositories - List all your repositories - gives a fork indicator, a date for when the last update (push) occurred, how many open issues and size
  • New-GitHubRepository - Creates a new GitHub repository and clones it locally by default.
  • New-GitHubFork - Forks a repository, clones it locally, then properly adds a remote named upstream to point back to the parent repository. Aborts if there is a directory in the current working directory that shares the name of the repository.
  • Get-GitHubIssues - List issues against the repository for the current working directory, or can list issues against a specific repo and owner.
  • New-GitHubPullRequest - Initiates a new pull request to the upstream repo.
  • Get-GitHubPullRequests - List pull requests against the repository for the current working directory, or can list pull requests against all forks from a user.
  • Get-GitHubTeams - The default parameterless version will use the GITHUB_ORG environment variable to get the list of teams, their ids and members.
  • Get-GitHubEvents - Will list, in chronological order, the last 30 events that you have generated
  • Clear-GitMergedBranches - Will remove any local branch cruft from branches that have been merged into the master branch.


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